Flix & Picks with Brayan Mendoza, May 9, 2020
With another week at home, Brayan Mendoza begins our show by discussing one great and innovative way you can help out the local Mary Pickford Theater. We'll give you a hint, its called "Curbside pick-up". While he was munching on some popcorn, Brayan discovered A Secret Love, a insightful and moving documentary about the 65 year old relationship between two women Pat Henschel, and Terry Donahue. It seems like LGBT cinema has picked up the pace from last year, for this is the second LGBT-centric one to be discussed on this show since last episode! Later on this episode, Brayan gives us his first impressions of the FX on Hulu miniseries, Mrs. America, an empowering series about the fight for the ERA as led by feminists like Gloria Steinem, and the grassroots effort of conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly to stop it. Does it do a great job of representing the fight? Brayan will let you know. Other news discussed in this episode include Josh Trank's battles with Fox over Fantastic Four, Taika Waititi is directing a Star Wars movie, and Texas and the UK are making plans to reopen their movie theaters during the ongoing COVID 19 Pandemic.